This year, MJBizCon is December 3-6, in Las Vegas, Nevada, and we couldn’t be more excited to host our customers, show off new products, and make connections after a year of growth.
Our booth (#23027) features a new design this year. Come by to enjoy our hub, learn, network, and have some fun with other attendees. (Helpful hint: we’re next to the bar!)
Location Details
- Booth number: 23027
- North Hall, Cultivation section
- Just left of the Elevation Lounge & Beer Garden

Visit Our Booth to Experience GroClarity’s New Look and Feel
- Demo our new IPM Insights platform: GroClarity’s new environmental testing and reporting service allows cultivators to collect, analyze, and interpret data on a single platform that optimizes their ability to grow healthy, mold-free plants while simultaneously preventing catastrophic crop loss and costly recalls.
- Sign up for discounted early access for IPM Insights!
Play Games and Win Prizes
- Enter to win a PS5, GroClarity swag, and product vouchers.

Get in Touch Beforehand to Schedule Time with the Team
Reach out to your sales rep to schedule a time to meet with them at MJBizCon. No rep? E-mail or call 866.201.1301 to set something up. We look forward to talking to you!